Bring Your Home Renovation Ideas to Life

Trusted and Licensed Home Remodeling Contractors in the Greater Boston Area

Boston Framers is a full service home design, build, remodeling team.


We know that finding the right general contractor for your home improvement project can be challenging.


You want a construction company you can trust and who will deliver top notch service.


Boston Framers will guide you through the whole process and manage your construction project from start to finish.


This includes coordinating with other professionals such as electricians, plumbers, and building inspectors.


Your home improvement project will be of the highest quality and exceed your expectations.


We’ll take any room and transform it into a living space you’ll love.

See Our Whole House Renovation from Roof to Basement

Our Renovation and Remodeling Services

We’ll help you create a beautiful space that will increase the value of your home without breaking your budget.






TimberTech Platinum Pro Deck Installer badge

We’re Platinum Level TimberTech Installers

Every Home Renovation Project is Run by a Team of Professionals

Boston Framers Customer Reviews

House Renovations - Boston Framers

Ruy C. Barbosa

General Contractor

154 E Central St.

Natick MA 01760

CSL# 196308